Shady Lady at sea


August 2018

Heading Juelsminde in the waters north of Aebeloe, we are sailing directly into the sunset. You can hardly imagine a more beautiful evening at sea.









Credit: M. Skafte

July 2018

The summer holidays this year were extremely warm compared to normal.

We set course for the archipelago on the Swedish west coast.

First stop was Oer Maritime Ferieby near Ebeltoft. The port call is made through one of the few sluices in our country.


East of Marstrand, Sweden.

The Swedish archipelago on the west coast  consists of calm waters surrounded by beautiful cliffs - with several narrow streams to pass.

Cruising round the island of Tjörn. We made our way through several narrow passages. Further down the waters we met a tremendous amount of traffic.



A nice, quiet island north of Marstrand. The residential areas embraces the port in a horseshoe formation.

July 2017

The destination for this years summer voyage was Rugia in the northeastern part of Germany, almost 200 nautical miles away. On the way over, we visited fine ports like Kappeln, Heiligenhafen and Warnemünde.

On July 8th, we left Warnemünde early in the morning and moored in Stralsund after almost 10 hours of sea travel in the Baltic.



Prora on the east coast of Rugia is a remain from Nazi Germany. Some 9,000 workers built this 6 story high and more than 4 kilometres long seaside hotel with rooms for 20,000 guests. The project was paused when world war two began in 1939, never to be resumed.

From approx. 1950 thru 1992 the complex served as barracks for 8,000 soldiers stationed by the DDR.


Prora consists of 8 separate buildings, each of them 500 metres long and situated just 100 metres from one of the longest and cleanest sand beaches in Europe.

Recently, several development projects with numerous private appartments and a hostel has been completed.

Most of the gigantic building complex remains to be developed and renovated, though.

Königsstuhl on the north coast of Rugia is a spectacular viewpoint rising 118 metres above the Baltic Sea.
Binz is an expensive, yet popular destination for summer holiday travellers with direct train connection from cities far away, like Munich in the south and Cologne in the west.


August 2016

Shortly after departing for an afternoon trip with a few friends, we received a distress signal from a ship with damaged rudder.

In an action coordinated  with Lyngby Radio, the Danish JRCC and the SAR vessel Andromeda, Shady Lady towed the damaged ship to Juelsminde.

Credit: Ole Bøg-Jensen

June 2015

This years Rotary trip from Vejle to Brejning offered a massive downwind outbound. The return trip upwind was done by engine in bright sunlight with high spirits onboard.





Credit: Jens Find


September 2013

Heading home in a fair wind after a short visit on the small island Hjarnoe.


July 2013

We went around Sealand on our summer cruise this year.

With the White Cliffs of Moen in sight, we crossed the Bight of Fakse doing 7,5 knots - the optimal cruise speed of the ship.



Going downwind in the Great Belt heading Kerteminde.



Moonlight evening in the port of Svendborg.


Fair wind in the waters west of Samsoe.



June 2013

Going upwind and upsea by engine in the waters north of Funen.

June 2013

Going upwind towards Tunoe, a small Island between the northern part of Samsoe and Jutland.



Large parts of the Tunoe coast line consists of huge slopes of sand like Noerreklint.


May 2013

One of this seasons first cruises went to the small island Endelave east of Jutland.

The 13 nautical miles were done in a little more than two hours - even with both sails reefed.


Shady Lady is participating in the Danish Geodata Agency project called Safe Course along with 132 other ships.

Our task is to test a new concept of electronic charts.

Provided that the authorities decides to complete the project, we may see the first release during 2015.

These charts are based on vector graphics. In the future, they might even replace the paper charts as the primary navigation tool.

The software has been developed by the Swedish company Seapilot and offers a  very friendly user interface.

When connected to the Internet, the charts are enriched with AIS ship information and updated five day weather forecasts.

The charts will be updated online regularly.


On such a cold day in may, the Endelave Habour offers lots and lots of empty space.


Endelave is well known for its intense population of wild rabbits.
The bird life on the island is also very rich.

This tern is hovering the harbour looking for live food.

July 2012

The turning point this summer was Flensburg.

2012 turned out to be the wettest and shortest summer vacation at sea so far.


Pentecost 2012

A scent of midsummer evening in Middelfart.

May 2012

Heading home towards Vejle from Juelsminde, we had a great opportunity to try out the 66 sq m brand new gennaker for the first time.

October 2011

Approaching Vejle after a weekend trip to Bogense.





Credit: Preben Werther






Credit: Preben Werther



October 2011

The final trip this season was a gentlemen's weekend tour aimed at Bogense.



Summer holidays 2011

Heading south in Aalborg Bight half an hour after sunset.


Summer holidays 2011

Heading south in Aalborg Bight.

Summer holidays 2011

A flock of seals enjoying the sunlight in Vilsund.


Summer holidays 2011

Sunset in Lemvig.


Summer holidays 2011

Racing towards Jegindoe in a fresh breeze.

September 4th 2010

A touch of wind on the Inlet of Vejle.
June 2nd 2010

Shady Lady is the leader of the fleet in the annual boat trip for the Vejle South Rotary club.






Credit: Lars Winther








Credit: Anders Nielsen

September 19th 2009

The fine crew on S/Y Dehlfin took this picture right after a tack to starboard heading east on Vejle Fjord.









Credit: Anders Johansen

July 14th 2009

West of Samsø heading south towards Kerteminde.


June 7th 2009

Doing 7 knots while crossing by the wind through Båring Vig.


June 5th 2009

Sunset in Little Belt. The old bridge was built in 1935.


May 21st 2009

The ship's dog had her first assignment on board in the weekend around Ascension Day.

It may take a little while to get used to the heeling of up to 25 degrees.


April 25th 2009

Dressed in signal flags from bow to stern over top, Shady Lady was a part of the annual season opening ceremony at the SNV yacht club.

April 12th 2009

Our first trip this season was captured by the distinguished crew of S/Y Dehlfin of Vejle. We are most grateful for the pictures.





Credit: Anders Johansen












Credit: Anders Johansen












Credit: Anders Johansen


Credit: Anders Johansen
September 21st 2008

Testing the brand new high tech sails on the Vejle Fjord.



August 30th 2008

On our way home from Tunø to Vejle. Almost no wind at all, so the engine is doing most of the work.




South of the island Endelave.

Wind speed close to zero. There were a lot of seals to study.




August 29th 2008

Egaa Marina near Aarhus. The ship was handed over to us just before noon. We spent a few hours preparing her for the virgin voyage.